
When Kate met Cameron – Fairview Wedding Photography

I do not even know where to begin with this wedding. So simply put – It was an honour. An absolute honour!

I met Kate exactly ten years ago in our first week at Grant MacEwan. We took the design program together so it’s fair to say we spent many hours together enjoying kraft dinner straight from the pot, some cheap beer, MANY trips to Tim Hortons and an equal number of dance parties to some of our favourites (Hello Seattle basically played on repeat on our 15 minute drive to the school.)

Needless to say – I know this girl well and I could not have been more excited when she asked me to photograph such an important day. It was a perfect day filled with so much love, friendship and laughter. It’ll always be a day I look at and grin – and from this summer forward I have a whole new outlook on KFC – It’s no longer just a fast food restaurant. It’s Kate and Cameron’s favourite – AND it really just means ‘Kate found Cameron. (We can thank Kate’s dad for that one.)

I’m beyond happy for my dear friend and am so excited to be sharing these photos! I apologize in advance for the length of this post! Photo overload commence!


OH! AND! Have I mentioned that Katers is incredibly talented? She made their cake and all of the cupcakes the week of the wedding!
